k Sample student writing: Argument Sample argument paper Writing guide: Argument essay 7 Speaking confidently a Identify your purpose, audience, and context. i Anticipate objections counter opposing arguments. h Support your claims with specific evidence. g Back up your thesis with persuasive lines of argument. f In your introduction, establish credibility and state your position. e View your audience as a panel of jurors. d When writing arguments, consider purpose and context. c Judge how fairly a writer handles opposing views. b Distinguish between legitimate and unfair emotional appeals. e Sample student writing: Analysis of an advertisement Sample analysis of an advertisement 6 Reading and writing arguments a Distinguish between reasonable and fallacious argumentative tactics. d Analyze to demonstrate your critical reading. c Summarize to deepen your understanding.

Sample annotated advertisement b Outline to identify main ideas. Writing guide: Analytical essay e Sample student writing: Analysis of an article Sample analysis paper 5 Reading and writing about multimodal texts a Read actively. Sample annotated article b Outline a text to identify main ideas. Academic Reading, Writing, and Speaking 4 Reading and writing critically a Read actively. c Choose a suitable pattern of organization. 3 Building effective paragraphs a Focus on a main point. h Sample student revision i Prepare a portfolio reflect on your writing.

d Highlights of one student’s peer review process e Approach global revision in cycles. c Use peer review: Give constructive comments. 2 Revising, editing, and reflecting a See revision as a social process. c Draft and revise a working thesis statement. Preface for instructors The Writing Process 1 Exploring, planning, and drafting a Assess the writing situation. Targeted cross-references throughout the handbook connect you and your students to related resources in LaunchPad Solo for Rules for Writers.

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LaunchPad Solo for online assignments and self-guided practice LaunchPad Solo for Rules for Writers, available free when packaged with the print text, includes 36 interactive writing prompts related to specific handbook content 260 writing, grammar, and research exercises 39 additional sample student papers in MLA and APA styles and 30 adaptive LearningCurve quizzes. New how-to boxes address tricky issues such as authorship of reposted online content. Rules for Writers now includes over 150 documentation models for sources in MLA and APA styles. Research and documentation support for every course Substantially revised sections teach students to find an entry point in a debate and develop authority as a researcher. More help with peer review and revising with comments A new section helps students effectively comment on assignments and apply feedback to revisions of their own work. Practical advice for public speaking A new section helps students develop effective oral communication strategies, whether they’re writing a speech from scratch or turning a paper into a presentation. More help for composing in a variety of genres Writing guides throughout Rules for Writers help students work through college assignments in a variety of genres. Support for analyzing multimodal texts A new chapter about reading and writing about multimodal texts introduces new genres and practical strategies for analysis. An emphasis on critical reading The handbook teaches students a reading process, helping them to analyze various types of texts, sources they discover through research, their own writing, and the work of their peers.